Your Book Proposal

In order to assess your idea, we need you to provide us with some basic information. We will then send you an email confirming your application, and requesting a sample chapter of your book, so we can see if your writing style fits in with ours! We will also need a copy of your CV for background information.

What are We Looking For?

We specialise in popular science writing. This is factual information provided in a clear engaging manner, often in the form of a history of a discovery or field of interest. We do not publish fiction, textbooks or reference books. We publish paperbacks and their associated e-books and mobile apps, all to a very high standard.

Primarily, we require authors who can write in a clear, engaging manner. Our publications are not textbooks, and they typically provide information in the form of a history or story, keeping the reader enthralled whilst at the same time providing useful information.

We are particularly interested in suggestions which have a strong visual element and would be suitable for translation into apps.

What if I’ve Only Got a Good Idea?

Great. Every good book starts with a great idea. We strongly recommend that you sketch out a structure for the book and write at least one chapter of it. This will firstly confirm that your idea has substance, that you know enough to communicate it, and that you think you’ll enjoy the process. When you’ve done that, submit your idea, as described below.

If you’re not confident that you have the skills or inclination to take your idea further but you’d like to see it published then let us know by emailing  Note that ideas without any “implementation” have very little value, and you would not receive any royalties for an idea alone. You might get to see your idea in print though!

What Risks do I Take?

Note that at this stage no contract exists between us and there is no commitment or obligation on your part. In particular, sending us your manuscript does not grant us any rights to it. It is always worth checking this before sending your manuscript to a publisher.

Once again, please don’t apply unless you already have a clear idea of the structure of your book and have a sample chapter already created – this will save everyone time and effort.

We can accept sample chapters as PDF or word documents, and the same applies to your CV.

Time to Apply!

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