September 3, 2020
In 1995 the Oxford Archaeological Unit decided to see whether Optical Stimulated Luminescence Dating would settle the debate about the White Horse of Uffington. The horse has been cleaned and maintained by many generations of local people, so samples were taken from the lowest disturbed layers of the chalk.
When the results came back they were a surprise to everyone. The white horse is much older than had been imagined. The laboratory analysis revealed that the chalk horse was originally dug some time between 1400 BC and 600 BC, so 3000 years ago plus or minus 400 years. This places its construction some time in the late Bronze Age or early Iron Age, making it easily the oldest chalk figure in England.
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August 26, 2020
Soddy discovered that no sooner had he removed the radon gas from his thorium sample that the radon would reappear. It was as though thorium was continually giving birth to the emanation as it emitted radiation. Then he found that the emanation was generating another new radioactive substance that was deposited on the walls of the glass vessel in which it was being collected. Soddy was stunned when he understood what was was happening: Rutherford, this is transmutation!
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